Jun 09, 2021
New Info pack 2021 (with new Topics) & OBU YouTube channel

New Info pack 2021 (with new Topics) & OBU YouTube channel

IMPORTANT UPDATE FROM OBU - New Info pack & YouTube channel

The 2021/22 Information Pack has been published. It is available on the ACCA website and will be available on the OBU website from 15 June. The Information has been redesigned and restructured. It now contains the information relating to resubmissions so there is no separate resubmission guide.

There have been changes to the Research Report requirements. The changes have been informed by a review of the ACCA Applied Skills syllabus and the ACCA Professional Insights team`s work on future careers of finance professionals. Topics 4, 5, 8 and 15 have been withdrawn and replaced by new topics. OBU is now offering more choice for students who would have done the old topic 8 as there are now 3 topics (4, 5 and 8) that require an evaluation of business and financial performance of an organisation. The Information pack now also explicitly states for each topic whether primary data or internally generated information, is expected or not.

There have also been changes to the Skills and Learning statement. There are now 2 questions (rather than 4). The questions are designed to encourage students to make personal reflections on their learning journey.

Support for students - New YouTube Channel

OBU is continuing to develop support materials for students. Click here to check out the flyer for the next set of webinars.

OBU has revised the OBU web pages so it is easier to find information - these new pages will be live from 15 June (you can register for webinars there). The web address is the same www.brookes.ac.uk/acca

They have also launched a dedicated YouTube channel for the programme. This contains short videos (max 10 mins) on different aspects of the programme and the RAP. There are two videos explaining the changes to the RAP requirements. This is the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwWtE2XDV4shxHo1tyZUtA

OBU will be adding to this in the run-up to Nov submission window - so do subscribe to their channel.

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