Aug 07, 2020

Submission Date & Fee of OBU RAP Project Thesis for Period 41
Are you ready to submit your OBU RAP? Make sure you are all done before November, 2020 as 15th November, 2020 is the last and final date of submission. Due to Covid19, there might be a chance that OBU revise the submission dates, however; so far no news is out yet regarding the change in the submission dates. Therefore, prepare yourself for this and make the best out of it.
Details: Submission of Research & Analysis Project
Should you want to have more details about the submission, and then please feel free to get in touch with us anytime. The Fee will remain the same as of period 40 which is £380 which can be paid after you have submitted your RAP within the due date.
OBU Thesis Help wishes you all the best for your submission and results. Cheers!
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